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Showing posts from August, 2020

House Haunting

T he time is nigh to spread your wings and fly. This is about the extent of my poetic prowess in trying to express moving out. Whether one is looking for hostel accommodation or a three-bedroomed apartment, there comes a time to fly the coup. And the search is all but easy.  Photo: StuffWeLike Aside from the monthly rent budget, there are other factors for consideration. Proximity to amenities,  decent infrastructure, familiarity stemming from previous living quarters, locations visited, homes in which one has been hosted, HGTV and Pinterest (it's okay to admit it. This is a safe space).  Therefore, I compiled all the virtues a house should possess as building blocks to being a home. Might as well launch into adulting with high spirits, yes? The choices are limited to bedsitters, SQs and single rooms before working my way up the property acquisition ladder. This does not exempt me from viewing houses outside of my price range. One must have something to aspire to, as Teac...

Motorist M.O

M otorists using multimodal roads as their private F1 tracks, please! Spare us the unnecessary theatrics. Not until you can afford a personal race track. In the meantime, only allow your speedometer to clock 180 km/h in the dead of night on a clear road stretching for miles on end where there are few pedestrians if any. I see no downside. Should you gain entry into the great Ferrari track in the sky, let it be a ticket admitting only one: you! The fact remains that Kenyan motorists are starved for that nationally authorised speeds - 80kmph rightly popped into your mind - stuck in traffic for excessively long periods.  At the sight of a mere 15cm of road, it's pedal to the metal to make up for the lost time. Unfortunately, in the haste, road users who rank  lower  face higher risks resulting in negative cross-user biases.  Joe is the proud owner of a navy blue KAA 001A Subaru inherited from his maternal uncle's cousin. He conquers the dusty rough road from his ...